Digtal Gallery
Letter from the Republican State Committee to William Lawrie
Letter from the Republican State Committee Chairperson T W Hukriede written to William Lawrie on February 2, 1917. Text of letter reads "The Republican State Committee closed the campaign with a deficit. It is very important to the party that this deficiency be eliminated at the earliest possible moment. We don't want to hamper the city campaign in the City of St. Louis this spring or the efficiency of the party in later campaigns by indebtedness. Amound our bills, [remaining paragraph unknown due to tear in letter]. We want to be able to make [remaining sentence unknown due to tear] Lincoln Day Banquet that we are square with the world and [illegible word] begin our campaign of 1918. We hope to have the pleasure of you attendance at the banquet. Any assistance you may render as in the way of eliminating our indebtness will be appreciated. Kindly let us hear from you by return mail."
Location: St Louis, MO
Box Number: BA22.LAU06